Leadership Effectiveness Training (LET) teaches Thomas Gordon’s internationally distributed and reputed model for communication and relationships.

Course description:

Leaders know that it takes more than technical ability and business savvy to be successful in today’s business environment. The ability to communicate and deal with arising conflicts effectively is equally if not more important. Gordon Training International offers leaders the proven communication and conflict resolution skills that are the basis of effective work relationships.

Leader Effectiveness Training (L.E.T.) teaches leaders Dr. Thomas Gordon’s world-renowned model of human relationships. Participants learn both the basic
philosophy underlying this model and, more importantly,to recognize when and how to use the skills to make it work.

Target group:

Managers but also employees without formal staff, but who hold positions of great responsibility as project manager.




The course focuses on practical training in key communication skills such as active listening and I-messages. Throughout the three-day intensive program, leaders will participate in skill-building through role-plays, one-on-one coaching, small group discussions and feedback, and specially-designed workbook exercises.. All LET-classes are led by certified instructors. The course is designed for 2 +1 days, it gives the opportunity to test skills and then discuss / share these experiences during day 3. It becomes a natural repetition, which is necessary to enable permanent learning.


The course is structured around the four basic relationship tools every leader needs:

  • The ability to establish and maintain open communication with team members and co-workers.
  • The ability to listen with empathy so that others feel understood.
  • The ability to express his/her feelings and concerns clearly and honestly without
  • The ability to resolve conflicts in such a way that no one loses.

You will learn to:

  • Actively listen to hear another’s feelings.
  • Actively listen to clarify information.
  • Distinguish between Acceptable and Unacceptable Behavior.


  • Less absenteeism and turnover because people enjoy coming to work more.
  • Reduced stress because problems and conflicts are faced and solved instead of
    ignored, avoided or badly handled.
  • Increased productivity because team members are more motivated and
    committed when they are encouraged to participate.
  • Higher creativity, better decisions, more flexibility and resilience because people
    work in teams more effectively.
  • Less time spent overcoming resistance, refereeing squabbles and overseeing
    people, freeing up time for thinking, planning and truly leading.