The professional conversation

It is about communicating things that are difficult or unpleasant for you or the recipient.

Course description:

Communicating things that are complex, sensitive and professional for you or the recipient is not easy. Performance reviews, feedback, redundancy, inappropriate conduct, the list goes on. It is easy to delay or handle it improperly. This course will teach you how to master the art of managing the professional conversation.

Target group:

Managers, leaders, project managers, public relations and communications professionals, sales people, lawyers, politicians, doctors, and of course everybody that can benefit from efficient handling of the professional conversation.




Preparatory task before the course. Lectures interspersed with exercises and a number of practice calls. Each conversation is planned, rehearsed and performed by the participants themselves in front of a video camera. After each conversation, participants will receive immediate feedback and tips to improve their technique. You will see how you continually develop as a moderator.

Course documents available for download to iPad or computer:

  • Comprehensive course documentation with, slides, checklists, templates, tutorials and videos.
  • Literature: Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High [Kindle Edition], Patterson et al.
  • Video Filmed conversations.
  • Diploma obtained after completed training.



  • Purpose and goals.
  • Strengths and weaknesses.
  • Time outline.
  • Conversation Templates.
  • Location, premises and environment.
  • Toolbox for difficult conversations.
  • Motivators.
  • Discussions and dialogue techniques.
  • Content and structure.
  • Checklists.


  • Responsive and humble.
  • Speaking and listening.
  • Surprising receiver response.
  • Employee interviews.
  • Evaluation call.
  • Feedback.
  • Manage emotions.
  • Different stress situations.
  • Negative answers.
  • Correction conversation.
  • Constructive criticism.
  • Clarity.
  • Crises.
  • Conflicts.

Closure techniques

  • Follow-up.


  • Personal feedback.
  • Your action plan.